Monday, August 17, 2009

A really bad week

last Sunday I took a neighbor to buy some shrimp. Apparently some
juice spilled out into my truck. The next day when the heat index
was about 100, I opened my door and almost passed out. Then on Thursday
a water pipe burst in my condo. 3000 bucks of damage, although the
actual figure has to be less than a 1000.

Anyway, our cute little intern from Coastal Carolina University had
the flu last week, and then got stung by a jellyfish over the weekend.

But the winner was Bob who works with me.

Last Sunday he wanted to make waffles for his kids, and decided to clean
the coffee pot. He opened the cabinet beneath his kitchen sink and found
a writhing, pulsating mound of maggots, worms and flies.

His garbage disposal had been dumping food under the sink. I would have just walked out and moved, but he cleaned it up.

Then Wed., he decided to fix a slow leak in a bathtub. Except he forgot to
turn the water off first....sooo, when he removed whatever plumbing thingy,
water started shooting all over his bathroom. He ran outside to a shed in his back yard to turn off the water, and when he went in, he felt something fall on his head. He turned the water off and turned around. What had hit him in the head? A nest of Palmetto bugs (South Carolina cockroaches that fly). They were crawling all over him, in his shirt and stuff and he was
barefooted too. I would have loved to have seen that dance.

Anyway, he gets the prize, so if you see Bob, buy him a doughnut or something.

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